
Informació Competició – Canadian Craft Chocolatier Competition 2024

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Canadian Craft Chocolatier Competition, 2024

Ubicació: Toronto, Canada
Dates d’avaluació:: setembre 26, 2024 – octubre 1, 2024
Països elegibles:: Canada

Canadian Craft Chocolatier Competition

The Canadian Craft Chocolatier Competition celebrates the craft of chocolatiers and chocolate companies who create filled chocolates, truffles, ganaches, pralines, caramels, fondants, enrobed fruits and nuts and spreads made from chocolate couverture or from their own bean-to-bar chocolate. The competition also includes flavoured chocolate bars made from chocolate couverture.

Bean-to-bar chocolate makers of plain/origin and flavored bars were already judged at the Americas Bean-to-Bar Competition, which took place from May – August 2024 and was coordinated in New York, USA.

Remote judging for all products

The products for this competition will be received in our Toronto base and will then be repacked as blinded samples and sent to our panel of Canadian judges and members of our international Grand Jury to judge at home using our online judging system. Reference sets of each submission will be held at the receiving venue in case of any issue with the samples sent to judges and products will be blinded as usual.

Judging will commence once all the samples have been packed, after the deadline to receive samples of 16 September 2024. Judging will take place straight afterwards with a direct invitation of the winners to our World Final 2024.

Winners of the Canadian competition will pass through to the World Final, which will be held in October – November 2024.

Origin traceability

We are committed to supporting economically, socially and environmentally sustainable cacao farming where farmers are paid a reasonable price that reflects the work that goes into growing fine cacao. We also believe that the chocolate with the best flavor profiles comes from directly sourced fine cacao.

From 2021-22 onwards, we will ask every entrant for the origin of cacao used for the dark and milk chocolate in their entries, including chocolatiers. These details are given confidentially when entering. White chocolate and cocoa butter are currently excluded from these rules.

By ‘origin’ we mean a known region, area, district, or farm recognized as a source of fine cacao. We will also limit the number of sources that can be used for an origin to no more than three different cooperatives, commercial farmers, post-harvest centers, individual farmers, research stations or other single sources. Blends are acceptable if they use no more than three different named origins.

We won’t accept origins defined only as the name of the cacao growing country, except for smaller cacao countries producing less than 4000 tonnes of cacao per year.

These rules apply to all chocolate used in filled chocolate and spreads, including commercial couverture. Details of the origin must be obtained from the chocolate maker or supplier if you are not the chocolate maker.

We believe that these rules will help to promote the spirit and ideal of craft chocolate and to help the development of good chocolate and cacao.


This competition judges flavoured and filled bars made from chocolate couverture and truffles, ganaches, pralines, caramels, fondants, enrobed fruits and nuts, and spreads made from chocolate couverture or bean-to-bar chocolate.

The competition is open to all companies with their main business or head office in Canada.

All chocolate used in all entries in this competition must be made from cacao with a declared and traceable source. Details of the source must be provided when entering each product and will remain confidential. For products made with couverture, details must be obtained from the chocolate maker.

Restaurants, hotels, and chefs may enter provided their products follow the normal rules of the International Chocolate Awards and our available to consumers as part of a hospitality service.


El preu de l’entrada per aquesta competició és CAD $75 i la quota per a cada entrada és CAD $75. Els preus seran convertits a moneda local per la seva companyia de targeta de crèdit, si cal.

Com inscreiure’s

Si us plau inciiï sessió o registri’s per participar en un concurs.

Si us plau llegeixi les regles dels Awards abans d’entrar.


Adreça per mostres

International Chocolate Awards
c/o Mary Luz Mejia
3314 Havenwood Drive
Mississauga, ON
L4X 2M3

Ph. (for courier use and deliveries only): 416.992.2644


Per assegurar que les seves mostres estan en les millors condicions per a la competició si us plau no les enviï abans de la data d’obertura. Per als productes frescos com ganaches, es recomana enviar l’última setmana abans de la data de tancament.

    • Obert per rebre mostres:
      – setembre 5, 2024
  • Últim dia per rebre les mostres:
    – setembre 16, 2024
  • Data de tancament online:
    – setembre 14, 2024

Quantitats de mostres

Per assegurar-nos que tenim suficients productes passi per la nostra selecció. Rondes d’avaluació del Principal i Gran Jurat, si us plau enviï les següents quantitats de cada producte que inscrigui:

    • Barres: 400g (14 ounces) pes total
  • Bombons farcits, etc: 40 peces


  • Cremes per untar: 300g (10 ounces minimum)


  • Xocolata desfeta: