2do Concurso Nacional de Chocolate Colombiano 2023 – Grand Jury Finalists

The International Chocolate Awards is pleased to announce the Grand Jury Finalists of the 2do. Concurso Nacional de Chocolate Colombiano. This competition was held within the framework of the 2023 edition of the Salón del Cacao y Chocolate Colombiano in Arauquita, an important cacao-growing region in the state of Arauca. With the partnership of the International Chocolate Awards, the contest was organized with the support of the directors of the Salón and the National Federation of Cacao Growers (FEDECACAO).

This second Colombian chocolate competition is part of a program of competitions and educational initiatives designated as the Cacao Country Support Program of the International Chocolate Awards. The program began in 2015 with the creation of the Peruvian National Competition, now in its eight year, followed by the Central American Regional Competition in 2017, the 1er. Concurso de Chocolate Colombiano in 2021, and this past November, the 1er. Concurso Nacional de Chocolate Mexicano. These events focus on fine origin cacao and follow the same protocols and rules used for all our competitions, which are overseen by the IICCT and our expert Grand Jury panel.

The objectives of the Colombian national competition have been to support excellence, generate competition, give added value to fine Colombian cacao by recognizing high quality chocolates and derived products, promote sustainable businesses, increase chocolate consumption in the national market, and contribute to the greater visibility of Colombian chocolate elsewhere. The competition uses protocols already validated by a committee of international experts, which guarantees independence and transparency during the execution of the competition.

A team of Colombian and international judges have diligently worked remotely testing and evaluating anonymous chocolate samples in various categories from all over Colombia. This competition was executed taking into account the International Chocolate Awards Protocols and its online system.


Sponsored by the International Chocolate Awards, this Cacao Country Support Competition judged and adjudicated prizes for bars and other chocolate products. It is not a part of our 2023 World Final qualifying series.

These Grand Jury Finalists are entries that made it through to the final Grand Jury round, following an initial technical Selection round and a main round of judging. The Finalists are the nominations from which the Grand Jury select the prize winners, through private voting.

While listing as a Grand Jury Finalist is an achievement in itself, it does not necessarily indicate that the entry will receive a prize.

Note: this list is only provisional until the announcement of the actual Winners and it is subject to change.

The 2023 Colombian Cacao Country Support Competition Grand Jury Finalists are:

(In alphabetical order within each category)

Barres llises/originals

Barres llises/originals negres

Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Tumaco 82% (89.53)

Micro-batch - Barres llises/originals negres

Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Arauca 70% (91.10)
Finca Villa Gaby (Colombia) - Herencia (91.10)
Chocolate Sierra Sagrada (Colombia) - Sierra Sagrada 72% Sierra Nevada (90.93)
Chocolate Sierra Sagrada (Colombia) - Sierra Sagrada 64% Sierra Nevada (90.70)
cacao y mas cacao (Colombia) - Cacao y mas Vichada 80 (89.73)
MATIZO (Colombia) - Especial Varietal Orquídeas (89.43)
Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Sierra Nevada 72% (89.00)
Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Tumaco 70% (88.87)
Kilimbo (Colombia) - Chocolate oscuro 72% cacao (88.79)
Chocolate Sierra Sagrada (Colombia) - Sierra Sagrada 85% Sierra Nevada (88.73)
Kilimbo (Colombia) - Chocolate oscuro 70% cacao (88.48)
Provinzzia Chocolates (Colombia) - Llano lindo (88.30)
Joropo Alma Chocolatera (Colombia) - Barra de chocolate al 72% (88.20)
cacao y mas cacao (Colombia) - Cacao y mas Meta 82% (87.80)
SUIKA-AGROSAVIA (Colombia) - Suika Chocolate. (87.67)
CACAO TRUEQUES (Colombia) - Chocolate al 70% Cacao Trueques (86.80)
Kilimbo (Colombia) - Chocolate oscuro 60% cacao con panela (86.47)
De Olier Chocolatl (Colombia) - Chocolate Oscuro 75% Cacao Quindio (86.27)
Maluwa Chocolate Company (Colombia) - Huila 60% - Gigante (86.20)
Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - 1622 (84.81)
FRUTO DE CACAO (Colombia) - Chocolate 80% Origen Meta Fruto de cacao (82.13)

Barres llises/originals/negres alt % (> 85%)

Provinzzia Chocolates (Colombia) - Don Vicente (90.37)
Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Colombia 100% (89.73)
Kilimbo (Colombia) - Chocolate oscuro 100% cacao (88.03)
CACAO TRUEQUES (Colombia) - Chocolate al 100% Cacao Trueques (86.83)
Maluwa Chocolate Company (Colombia) - Antioquia 90% - Chigorodó (85.86)

Barres llises/originals amb llet

Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Tumaco Leche 53% (91.37)

Barres llises/originals alternative

Maluwa Chocolate Company (Colombia) - Chocó 80% endulzado con miel de abejas (86.80)

Barres de sabors

Barres de xocolata negra amb una infusió o aroma

Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Café de Edi 61% (89.87)
Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Pimienta 70% (88.93)
Provinzzia Chocolates (Colombia) - Anís 60% cacao (88.34)
Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Limoncillo 64% (88.19)
MATIZO (Colombia) - Especial Varietal con café La Bonanza (87.43)
Somos Cacao (Colombia) - Tableta De Ron (87.30)
Xué Chocolate Artesanal (Colombia) - Barra Chocolate 52% con limonaria (86.70)
FRUTO DE CACAO (Colombia) - Chocolate 70% Aji Yuquitania (85.63)
Somos Cacao (Colombia) - Finca Paraiso-Miguel Lizarazo (83.20)

Barres de xocolata negra amb inclusions o trossos

Kua Chocolate (Colombia) - Chocolate 55% Cauca con chontaduro (89.77)
Aroma a Cacao (Colombia) - Bayonero (89.10)
Kua Chocolate (Colombia) - Chocolate 45% Tumaco Lulo y Marañon (87.96)
Kua Chocolate (Colombia) - Chocolate 70% Casanare Pimienta negra (86.18)
Joropo Alma Chocolatera (Colombia) - Chocolate al 72% con trozos de Café (85.67)

Barres de xocolata amb llet amb una infusió o aroma

De Olier Chocolatl (Colombia) - Chocolate Leche 55% Cacao + Maracuyá (87.38)
De Olier Chocolatl (Colombia) - Chocolate 55% Cacao + Café con Leche (86.79)

Barres de xocolata blanca amb una infusió o aroma

Maluwa Chocolate Company (Colombia) - Chocolate Maracublanco - Maracuyá (85.70)

Barres de xocolata blanca amb inclusions o trossos

CACAO TRUEQUES (Colombia) - Chocolate Blanco y Nibs Cacao Trueques (85.70)

Bombons a base de fruits secs, nous recobertes

Dragees de xocolata negra, nous senceres recobertes

Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Nibs De Cacao Recubiertos (89.40)

Altres - fruita / sucre / mantega / crema

Fruita sencera recoberta de xocolata negra

Cacao Hunters (Colombia) - Uchuvas Recubiertas Con Chocolate (86.90)