
Competition info – World Final 2018

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World Final, 2018

Wettbewerbsort: Florence, Italy
Teilnahmeschluss: Oktober 26, 2018
Datum des Wettbewerbs: Oktober 26, 2018 – November 2, 2018


The 2018 7th edition World Final will be held in Florence, Italy, in cooperation with the Italian school of the International Institute of Chocolate and Cacao Tasting, and will take place in Italy for the first time as part of our commitment to a truly representative international competition.

All 2018 Gold, Silver and Bronze entries from all competitions are eligible to enter the World Final, expect for winners of our Special Growing Country Support competitions in Peru and Central America.

The World Final will judge the best of the plain/origin and flavoured bars, filled chocolates/bonbons and spreads from this year’s winners from around the world. All entries are rejudged for the competition and compete equally with other World Finalists.

Prize Ceremony Dinner – 17 November 2018 6.30pm, Florence, Italy

SAVE THE  DATE – 17/11/2018 6.30PM

The 2018 World Winners will be celebrated at a Prize Ceremony Dinner, held in the historic Italian city of Florence on Saturday 17 November, 2018 from 6.30pm.

The event will include a dinner and winners‘ presentation featuring specially created recipes using bean-to-bar chocolate from our past and present World Winners and will include presentation and sampling of this year’s World contenders.

Full details and pricing will be available shortly. Tickets will be publicly available, with seating reserved for entrants and judges at a preferential ticket price. More details will be available soon and all 2018 winners and judges will be sent an invitation in the next two weeks.


Entry is by qualification through a Gold, Silver or Bronze prize win at a National, Regional or Semifinal competition during 2018 only.

Winners of all the year’s competitions except our Growing Country Support competitions in Peru and Central America are invited to enter their 2018 winning entries in the World Final.

Only 2018 winning products may be entered and may not be substituted for alternate products. Different batches are acceptable, as are batch variations and recipe changes that do not significantly alter the product in such as way that it would constitute a different retail product.

Entrants‘ 2018 winners will be automatically listed on the system when you register for the World Final.

Die Teilnahmegebühr für den Wettbewerb ist €55 zuzüglich €40 für jedes zu bewertende Produkt. (Eine mögliche Umrechnung in die lokale Währung erfolgt durch den Kreditkartenabrechnungsstelle – sofern nötig).

Stand/Status Wettbewerb

Dieser Wettbewerb ist noch nicht oder nicht mehr geöffnet.


Addresse für Mustereinsendungen

Per International Chocolate Awards Alessia Pucci e Monica Meschini
Educatorio del Fuligno
Via Faenza 48
50123 Firenze



Bitte senden Sie keine Muster vor den Annahmedaten ein, damit Ihre Muster in der bestmöglichen Kondition für den Wettbewerb sind. Frische Produkte wie Ganaches, sollten Sie am besten in der letzten Woche vor Annahmeschluss einschicken.

  • Annahmedatum ab:
    September 17, 2018
  • Annahmeschluss für Muster:
    Oktober 26, 2018
  • Teilnahmeschluss:
    Oktober 26, 2018

Muster Mengen

Bitte senden Sie folgende Mengen ein, damit wir genügend Verkostungsmuster für die drei Verkostungsrunden (Auswahl, Hauptrunde und Grand Jury Runde) haben:

  • Tafeln: 400g (14 ounces) Totalgewicht
  • Pralinen: 40 Stück
  • Aufstriche: 300 grams/10 ounces