
Competition info – Asia-Pacific Bean-to-Bar and Craft Chocolatier Competition 2025

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Asia-Pacific Bean-to-Bar and Craft Chocolatier Competition, 2025

Wettbewerbsort: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Teilnahmeschluss: Februar 28, 2025
Datum des Wettbewerbs: März 8, 2025 – April 3, 2025


The Asia-Pacific Bean-to-Bar and Craft Chocolatier Competition celebrates the work of craft chocolate makers creating chocolate bars from traceable fine cacao, and craft chocolatiers using chocolate with an identifiable and traceable cacao source. By helping to promote traceable chocolate, we aim to support the work of cacao farmers producing fine cacao and create a more sustainable market for high-end specialty cacao.

Remote judging, 08 March – 03 April, 2025

This year we will hold remote judging online to include a wide range of judges from the Asia-Pacific region and members of our international Grand Jury. Fresh products including ganaches and other filled items will be judged as soon as possible after the closing date by our remote judges and by the Grand Jury.

Winners of the competition will pass through to the World Final, which will be held October– November 2025.

Cacao sourcing and origin traceability

The International Chocolate Awards is committed to supporting economically, socially and environmentally sustainable cacao farming where farmers are paid a reasonable price that reflects the work that goes into growing fine cacao. We also believe that the chocolate with the best flavor profiles comes from directly sourced fine cacao.

As a result, all entrants must provide details of the cacao origin used in their dark and milk chocolate entries, including chocolatiers. These details are given confidentially if preferred. White chocolate and cocoa butter are currently excluded from these requirements, except for unflavoured white chocolate products.

By ‘origin,’ we mean a known region, area, district, or farm recognized as a source of fine cacao. If the origin is not a single farm or cooperative, entrants must specify the cacao sources within the origin. Blends are acceptable if they use no more than three different named origins, including cooperatives, post-harvest centres, commercial farmers, research stations, or individual farms. We do not accept entries where the only specified origin is the cacao-growing country, except for smaller cacao-producing countries (under 4,000 tonnes per year).

These rules apply to all chocolate used in competition entries, including filled chocolates, spreads, and drinking chocolate. Products made with commercial couverture chocolate without a stated cacao origin are not eligible to enter. Details of the origin must be obtained from the chocolate maker or supplier if the entrant is not the chocolate maker.

For full details, please refer to our competition rules.

Judging scores and flavor profiles

All entries will receive comprehensive feedback from our new judging system, including the overall product score and standardised feedback statements for all products, and visual flavor profiles for origin bars and cacao ingredients. We use our advanced interactive evaluation system for judging, which is based on the IICCT flavor profiling system. Scores are weighted to align with specialty coffee scores. Scores will be published on our website for all Grand Jury Finalists


Open to all entrants with their main office or headquarters in Asia-Pacific, India and Oceania, for all categories except Drinking Chocolate.

Die Teilnahmegebühr für den Wettbewerb ist $85 zuzüglich $75 für jedes zu bewertende Produkt. (Eine mögliche Umrechnung in die lokale Währung erfolgt durch den Kreditkartenabrechnungsstelle – sofern nötig).

Stand/Status Wettbewerb

Dieser Wettbewerb ist noch nicht oder nicht mehr geöffnet.


Addresse für Mustereinsendungen

Cult de Choco Ltd.
Room 11, 9/F The ICON
320 -322 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong
Hong Kong.
(ICA Asia Pacific)

Contact: Jeffrey Lee
Contact Phone No. (for deliveries only) + 852 84811675
Email (for deliveries only):

FEHD Food Importer/Distributor Registration Number: TR-12-006527


Bitte senden Sie keine Muster vor den Annahmedaten ein, damit Ihre Muster in der bestmöglichen Kondition für den Wettbewerb sind. Frische Produkte wie Ganaches, sollten Sie am besten in der letzten Woche vor Annahmeschluss einschicken.

  • Annahmedatum ab:
    Februar 11, 2025
  • Annahmeschluss für Muster:
    März 3, 2025
  • Teilnahmeschluss:
    Februar 28, 2025

Muster Mengen

Bitte senden Sie folgende Mengen ein, damit wir genügend Verkostungsmuster für die drei Verkostungsrunden (Auswahl, Hauptrunde und Grand Jury Runde) haben:

  • Tafeln: 400g total weight per product Totalgewicht
  • Pralinen: 40 pieces Stück
  • Aufstriche: 300g