
French Chocolatier Competition 2018 Grand Jury Finalists

The International Chocolate Awards is pleased to announce the Grand Jury Finalists of the second French Chocolatier Competition, which was judged from 27-30 April, 2018 in Paris.

The judging panel was made up of pastry chefs, journalists, restaurant reviewers, bloggers, culinary educators and chefs, as well as members of our Grand Jury.

The Grand Jury Finalists are the entries that made it through to the final Grand Jury round, following an initial technical Selection round and four days of Main round judging. The Finalists are the nominations from which the Grand Jury select the prize winners, through private voting. The Grand Jury follow strict rules, which you can read here (PDF).

While listing as a Grand Jury Finalist is an achievement in itself, it does not necessarily indicate that the entry will receive a prize.

The 2018 French Finalists are:

(In alphabetical order within each category)

Barras saborizado

Barras de chocolate blanco con infusiones o polvos

Chapon (France) - Tablette blanc Tonka Reglisse

Barras de chocolate blanco con inclusiones o piezas

Mascarin (France) - Chocolat blanc fondant vanille bourbon

Ganaches, palets, ganaches pralinés y trufas

Ganaches o trufas de chocolate negro no saborizadas

Ara Chocolat (France) - Ganache nature grand cru Chuncho
Ara Chocolat (France) - Ganache nature grand cru Tolita
Au Bon Chocolat (France) - Pavé d'Or
Delaveaux Chocolatier (France) - Truffe chocolat noir
Espèce de Ganache (France) - Le bon point
Frédéric Cassel (France) - Xibun
Joel Vilcoq Chocolatier (France) - Ganache noir origine Guatemala et Madagascar

Ganaches o trufas de chocolate negro saborizado

Ara Chocolat (France) - Ganache huile d'olive
Ara Chocolat (France) - Ganache olives noires Tanches de Nyons
Au Bon Chocolat (France) - Ardentes
Chocolat Weiss (France) - Yuzu sésame
Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C. (France) - chocolat noir combawa/citron vert
Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C. (France) - chocolat rhum/raisin
Delaveaux Chocolatier (France) - Ganache fruit de la passion
Delaveaux Chocolatier (France) - Ganache Mojito
Le Petit Chocolatier (France) - Ganache thym et zestes de citron

Ganaches o trufas de chocolate con leche saborizado

Pralus (France) - Ganache lait

Ganaches o trufas de una combinación de chocolates saborizados

Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C. (France) - chocolat au miel et pollen
Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C. (France) - chocolat au poivre frais du Vietnam
Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C. (France) - chocolat passion/framboise
Jacques Bockel chocolatier créateur (France) - Combava
Jacques Bockel chocolatier créateur (France) - On dirait le sud
Joel Vilcoq Chocolatier (France) - Ganache bissap


Pralinés de nuez cubiertas de chocolate negro

Chapon (France) - Canela
Delaveaux Chocolatier (France) - Praliné noisette
Joel Vilcoq Chocolatier (France) - Praliné pistache
Les Carrés Victoire (France) - Praliné eclat de caramel noir
Pralus (France) - Chardon noir
Pralus (France) - Croqueur Noir
Pralus (France) - Gijanduja

Pralinés de nuez cubiertas de chocolate con leche

Jacques Bockel chocolatier créateur (France) - Croustille
Patrick Gelencser Chocolatier (France) - Valencia praliné chocolat au lait
Pralus (France) - Praliné lait
zChocolat (France) - Barre Z lait
zChocolat (France) - Z lait

Pralinés de nuez cubiertas de chocolate blanco

zChocolat (France) - Z blanc

Otros - fruta/azúcar/mantequila/crema/misceláneos

Frutas enteras cubiertas de chocolate negro

Pralus (France) - Citron confit

Manon/mantequilla/crema cubierta de chocolate con leche

Pralus (France) - Nougatine lait

Cremas para untar

Cremas para untar de chocolate negro (sin leche en polvo)

Pralus (France) - Creme de noisettes pot 250gr