The International Chocolate Awards is pleased to announce the Winners of the Scandinavian, French and British Craft Chocolatier competitions, which were judged remotely in September-October 2023.
Winners of these rounds will pass through to the World Final organized in October-November 2023.
This craft competition awards prizes for craft chocolatier products including filled chocolates/bonbons, pralines, enrobed fruits and nuts and chocolate spreads made with bean-to-bar chocolate as well as flavoured bars made with couverture. Plain/origin and flavoured bean-to-bar products from Scandinavian, French and British chocolate makers were judged at the 2023 European, Middle Eastern and African Bean-to-Bar and Craft Chocolatier Competition.
Origin traceability
We are committed to supporting economically, socially and environmentally sustainable cacao farming where farmers are paid a reasonable price that reflects the work that goes into growing fine cacao. We also believe that the chocolate with the best flavor profiles comes from directly sourced fine cacao.
From 2021-22 onwards, we ask every entrant for the origin of cacao used for the dark and milk chocolate in their entries, including chocolatiers. These details are given confidentially when entering. White chocolate and cocoa butter are currently excluded from these rules.
By ‘origin’ we mean a known region, area, district, or farm recognized as a source of fine cacao. We will also limit the number of sources that can be used for an origin to no more than three different cooperatives, commercial farmers, post-harvest centers, individual farmers, research stations or other single sources. Blends are acceptable if they use no more than three different named origins.
We won’t accept origins defined only as the name of the cacao growing country, except for smaller cacao countries producing less than 4000 tonnes of cacao per year.
These rules apply to all chocolate used in filled chocolate and spreads, including commercial couverture.
We believe that these rules will help to promote the spirit and ideal of craft chocolate and to help the development of good chocolate and cacao.
The judges were drawn from local experts, food journalists, our IICCT Alumni and members of our permanent international Grand Jury.
The categories judged included filled chocolates, enrobed fruits and nuts and chocolate spreads, as well as flavoured bars (not bean-to-bar). All judging is anonymized, including at the Grand Jury final session, where Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes are awarded by private voting.
Awards are awarded only to entries that meet the required standard for each prize.
The 2023 Scandinavian Craft Chocolatier Winners are:
(Prizes are shown in score order for each medal)
Ganaches, palets, pralines avec ganache, truffes
Ganaches ou truffes de chocolat noir aromatisées
Gold: Sirène by PetriS Chocolate (Finland) – Northern Night (88.8)
Silver: Eventyr Håndverkssjokolade (Norway) – Eventyr Perigot trøffel – Truffle (86.2)
Ganaches ou truffes au chocolat au lait
Gold: Chocolatte (Sweden) – Orange/fennel (88.4)
+ Special: Ingredients
Silver: Chocolatte (Sweden) – Maori punk-spicy Amaretto/bergamott (86.9)
Bronze: Sirène by PetriS Chocolate (Finland) – Valencia (85.2)
Ganaches ou truffes utilisant du chocolat noir/au lait/blanc pour l’enrobage et la garniture
Gold: Jentene på Tunet – Chocolatier (Norway) – MangoTango (88.8)
+ Special: Recipe
Silver: Eventyr Håndverkssjokolade (Norway) – Willy Wonka – Trøffel og steinsopp (88.5)
+ Special: Gastronomic
Silver: Gånsviks Choklad (Sweden) – Magnus (87.2)
Silver: Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) – Solbærstang – Ice cream memories (86.3) (**)
Bronze: Jentene på Tunet – Chocolatier (Norway) – Lakris & Granateple (85.3)
Bronze: Jentene på Tunet – Chocolatier (Norway) – Blåbærflyt (85.2)
Bronze: Sirène by PetriS Chocolate (Finland) – Lingonberry-Raspberry Pralin (84.9)
Fruits secs
Massepain enrobé de chocolat noir
Silver: Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) – Klassisk Marcipan (86.5) (**)
+ Special: Classic
Praliné au chocolat lait
Gold: Jentene på Tunet – Chocolatier (Norway) – Hasselknas (88.1)
+ Special: Classic
Silver: Jentene på Tunet – Chocolatier (Norway) – Peanøttdrøm (87.1)
Bronze: Jentene på Tunet – Chocolatier (Norway) – Pistasjkrønsj (85.9)
Praliné au chocolat lait …
Bronze: Sirène by PetriS Chocolate (Finland) – Seabukthorne-honey caramel Pralin (85.2)
Autres – fruits / sucre / beurre / crème
Fruits entiers enrobés de chocolat noir
Gold: Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) – Frederiksdal Cherry (90.1) (**)
+ Special: Reinterpretation
(*) Declared chocolate maker for private label bars.
(**) Winner has declared the product is made with their own bean-to-bar chocolate or couverture.
The 2023 French Craft Chocolatier Winners are:
(Prizes are shown in score order for each medal)
Ganaches, palets, pralines avec ganache, truffes
Ganaches ou truffes au chocolat noir non aromatisées
Silver: Ara Chocolat (France) – Ganache au chocolat Grand Cru Venezuela (87.1) (**)
Ganaches ou truffes de chocolat noir aromatisées
Gold: Ara Chocolat (France) – Ganache a l’huile d’olive Tanche de Nyon (88.4) (**)
+ Special: Ingredients
+ Special: Craft
Silver: Ara Chocolat (France) – Ganache aux olives Tanche de Nyons (86.1) (**)
Bronze: Ara Chocolat (France) – Ganache au Thé Oolong Voie Lactée (84.8) (**)
Fruits secs
Praliné au chocolat lait
Bronze: Ô gourmandises d’Alice (France) – Praliné aux épices (85.6)
Bronze: Ô gourmandises d’Alice (France) – Praliné graine de courge (85.0)
(*) Declared chocolate maker for private label bars.
(**) Winner has declared the product is made with their own bean-to-bar chocolate or couverture.
The 2023 British Craft Chocolatier Winners are:
(Prizes are shown in score order for each medal)
Ganaches, palets, pralines avec ganache, truffes
Ganaches ou truffes au chocolat noir non aromatisées
Gold: Highland Chocolatier (United Kingdom) – The Velvet Truffle – Dark (89.8)
+ Special: Classic
+ Special: Naked
Ganaches ou truffes de chocolat noir aromatisées
Gold: Highland Chocolatier (United Kingdom) – Raspberry & Black Pepper Velvet Truffle (88.3)
+ Special: Ingredients
Silver: Highland Chocolatier (United Kingdom) – The Velvet Truffle – Espresso Mocha (87.3)
Silver: Highland Chocolatier (United Kingdom) – The Velvet Truffle – Rose (86.9)
Ganaches ou truffes au chocolat blanc
Silver: Highland Chocolatier (United Kingdom) – Velvet Truffle – White Lime & Chilli (86.4)
Bronze: Highland Chocolatier (United Kingdom) – Velvet Truffle – Caramel & Liquorice (85.8)
Bronze: Highland Chocolatier (United Kingdom) – Velvet Truffle – Passion Fruit & Mango (85.5)
Fruits secs
Dragées/ fruits secs entiers enrobés au chocolat blanc
Bronze: Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) – Roasted Tuono – Cranachan 42 – Dragee (84.5) (**)
Autres – fruits / sucre / beurre / crème
Pâtes de fruits, gelées enrobées de chocolat au lait
Silver: Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) – Dorset Apple pâte de fruits -63- Dragee (86.4) (**)
+ Special: Local ingredients
Pâte à tartiner
Pâtes à tartiner au chocolat noir (sans poudre de lait)
Bronze: Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) – Piedmont Hazelnut & Chuncho Spread (85.1) (**)
(*) Declared chocolate maker for private label bars.
(**) Winner has declared the product is made with their own bean-to-bar chocolate or couverture.