
French and Benelux Chocolatier Competition Winners 2019

French and Benelux Winners

The International Chocolate Awards is pleased to announce the Winners of the third French Chocolatier Competition, and the second Benelux competition, which were judged together from 5-8 April, 2019 in Paris, France with our French Partner Planetgout. The French competition judged entries from chocolatiers based in France, celebrating the historic excellence in fine chocolate and the craft of French fine chocolatiers.

Winners will pass through to the World Final in Florence, Italy in October 2019.


The judging panel was made up of member of our Grand Jury and international judges who traveled to Paris, joined by local chefs, journalists, bloggers and chocolate specialists.


The categories judged included flavoured bars, filled chocolates, bonbons and pralines and chocolate spreads. The competitions were for national/regional entries for all categories except Plain/origin dark, milk and white bars. These categories are being judged from May 10–June 16, 2019 in Copenhagen, at the European Bean-to-Bar competition, held in Denmark. All judging is anonymised, including at the Grand Jury final session, where Golds, Silver and Bronze prizes are awarded by private voting according to the Grand Jury rules.

Awards are given only to entries that meet the required standard for each prize.

French Chocolatier Competition

(Prizes are shown in alphabetical order for each medal)

Barrette aromatizzate

Barrette al cioccolato bianco con inclusioni o pezzi

Bronze: Mascarin  (France) - Chocolat blanc au biscuit et au citron

Ganaches, paletes, praline e tartufi alla ganache

Ganache o tartufi di cioccolato fondente non aromatizzato

Gold: Ara Chocolat  (France) - Ganache nature Colombia 70% (**)

+ Special: Direct Traded

+ Special: Vegan

Silver: Ara Chocolat  (France) - Ganache Nature Chuncho (**)

Silver: Le Petit Chocolatier  (France) - Ganache Bean-to-Bar Colombie 73 % (**)

Bronze: Raoul Boulanger  (France) - Pérou

Ganache o tartufi con cioccolato fondente aromatizzato

Gold: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - Nepita - chocolat noir à la Nepita

+ Special: Local ingredients

Silver: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - Abeilles à Manu - chocolat noir au Miel

Silver: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - Pain d'épices - chocolat noir

Silver: Le Petit Chocolatier  (France) - Ganache Menthe Fraîche (**)

Silver: Weiss  (France) - Ganache Rose Framboise (**)

Bronze: Ara Chocolat  (France) - Ganache ananas caramelisés (**)

Bronze: Au Bon Chocolat  (France) - Durdat-Larequille

Bronze: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - Fiorone - chocolat noir aux figues

Bronze: Le Lautrec  (France) - Hypnose

Bronze: Weiss  (France) - Ganache Sureau Cassis (**)

Bronze: Ô gourmandises d'Alice  (France) - Le Terroir

Ganache o tartufi al cioccolato al latte

Gold: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - chocolat lait au miel de lavande

Bronze: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - Anto - chocolat Lait Cigare Origine

Bronze: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - Chocolat lait aux fruits de la passion

Ganache o tertufi prodotti utilizzando ciccolati misti Fondente /latte/bianco per copertura o ripieno

Bronze: Ô gourmandises d'Alice  (France) - L'Exotique

Praline a base di noci e noci ricoperte

Praline a base di frutta/ gianduja con ciccolato fondente

Silver: Joel Vilcoq Chocolatier  (France) - Praliné Sarrasin

Silver: Le Lautrec  (France) - Nougatine Noir

Bronze: Au Bon Chocolat  (France) - Saint Bonnet

Bronze: Le Lautrec  (France) - Dandy

Bronze: Raoul Boulanger  (France) - Fleur de sel

Dragées di cioccolato fondente, noci intere ricoperte

Silver: Le Lautrec  (France) - Marcos

Praline a base di noci/gianduja con cioccolato al latte

Silver: Paries  (France) - Iranja

Bronze: Comptoir du Cacao  (France) - Praliné Noix de Pécan Chocolat Blond

Dragées al latte/noci intere ricoperte di cioccolato al latte

Gold: Au Bon Chocolat  (France) - Enrobés Noisette

Altre - frutti/zucchero/burro/crema

Paste di frutta, gelatine, gelée ricoperte con cioccolato fondente

Silver: Weiss  (France) - Pâte de Fruit Fraise Basilic (**)

Frutti interi ricoperti di cioccolato fondente

Gold: Orangettes and Co.  (France) - Orangette parisienne

+ Special: Classic


Spalmabili con cioccolato al latte

Silver: Paries  (France) - Pâte à Tartiner Paries

Bronze: Charles Chocolartisan  (France) - Nutôloire (**)

(*)  Declared chocolate maker for private label bars.

(**) Winner has declared the product is made with their own bean-to-bar chocolate or couverture.

Benelux Chocolatier Competition

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2019 Benelux Competition which focuses on chocolatier products and flavoured bars from chocolatiers and chocolate companies based in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. This competition is for chocolatiers and companies working from couverture.

(Prizes are shown in alphabetical order for each medal)

Barrette aromatizzate

Barrete cioccolato fondente ripiene

Bronze: patisseire-chocolaterie Yasushi Sasaki  (Belgium) - Caramel miso cacahouette piquant

Ganaches, paletes, praline e tartufi alla ganache

Ganache o tartufi di cioccolato fondente non aromatizzato

Silver: Chocolatier Reen  (Belgium) - Infinite Belize

Ganache o tartufi con cioccolato fondente aromatizzato

Gold: Chocolatier Reen  (Belgium) - Adventurous Bergamot

Silver: Chocolatier M  (Belgium) - Colombian Power

Silver: Mr. Togo Matsuda  (Belgium) - Yuzu-praline jasmine

Silver: Shinichi Asaba  (Belgium) - Chocolat caramel et fruit de la passion

Bronze: Carré Noir  (Belgium) - Volga

Bronze: Centho Chocolates  (Belgium) - Fortunella

Bronze: Centho Chocolates  (Belgium) - Yuzu

Bronze: Chocolatier M  (Belgium) - Dalmore Experience

Bronze: Patisserie-Chocolaterie Yasushi Sasaki  (Belgium) - Ganache thé vert Hoji Cha (torréfié)

Ganaches o tartufi di cioccolato bianco

Gold: Chocolatier M  (Belgium) - Sudachi Fizz

Silver: Patisserie-Chocolaterie Yasushi Sasaki  (Belgium) - ganache Matcha

Praline a base di noci e noci ricoperte

Praline a base di frutta/ gianduja con ciccolato fondente

Silver: Chocolatier M  (Belgium) - Tokio Dreams

Praline a base di noci/gianduja con cioccolato al latte

Bronze: Carré Noir  (Belgium) - Pistache


Caramello ricoperto con cioccolato al latte

Gold: Chocolatier M  (Belgium) - Peanuts & Co.

Bronze: Chocolatier M  (Belgium) - Oriental

(*)  Declared chocolate maker for private label bars.

(**) Winner has declared the product is made with their own bean-to-bar chocolate or couverture.