French Chocolatier Competition Winners 2018


Paris France Arc teaser

The International Chocolate Awards is pleased to announce the Winners of the second French Chocolatier Competition, which was judged from 27-30 April, 2018 in Paris, France with our French Partner Planetgout. This competition judged entries from chocolatiers based in France, celebrating the historic excellence in fine chocolate and the craft of French fine chocolatiers. Winners will pass through to the World Final in Florence, Italy in October 2018.


The judging panel was made up of member of our Grand Jury and international judges who traveled to Paris, joined by local chefs, journalists, bloggers and chocolate specialists.


The categories judged included flavoured bars, filled chocolates, bonbons and pralines and chocolate spreads.
This was a national/regional competition for all categories except Plain/origin dark, milk and white bars. These categories are being judged from 10 May – 11 June 2018, at the European Bean-to-Bar competition, held in the Netherlands. All judging is anonymised, including at the Grand Jury final session, where Golds, Silver and Bronze prizes are awarded by private voting according to the Grand Jury rules.

Awards are given only to entries that meet the required standard for each prize.

(Prizes are shown in alphabetical order for each medal)

Repen met toegevoegde smaak

Witte chocoladerepen met een infusie of aroma

Bronze: Chapon  (France) - Tablette blanc Tonka Reglisse

Witte chocoladerepen met insluitsels of stukjes

Bronze: Mascarin  (France) - Chocolat blanc fondant vanille bourbon

Ganaches, palets, ganache pralines en truffels

Donkere chocolade ganaches of truffels zonder toegevoegde smaak

Gold: Frédéric Cassel  (France) - Xibun

Silver: Ara Chocolat  (France) - Ganache nature grand cru Chuncho (**)

Silver: Ara Chocolat  (France) - Ganache nature grand cru Tolita (**)

Silver: Espèce de Ganache  (France) - Le bon point

Bronze: Joel Vilcoq Chocolatier  (France) - Ganache noir origine Guatemala et Madagascar

Ganaches of truffels van donkere chocolade met toegevoegde smaak

Gold: Ara Chocolat  (France) - Ganache olives noires Tanches de Nyons (**)

Silver: Ara Chocolat  (France) - Ganache huile d'olive (**)

Silver: Chocolat Weiss  (France) - Yuzu sésame (**)

Silver: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - chocolat rhum/raisin

Silver: Delaveaux Chocolatier  (France) - Ganache fruit de la passion (**)

Silver: Le Petit Chocolatier  (France) - Ganache thym et zestes de citron

Bronze: Au Bon Chocolat  (France) - Ardentes (**)

Bronze: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - chocolat noir combawa/citron vert

Bronze: Delaveaux Chocolatier  (France) - Ganache Mojito (**)

Ganaches of truffels van melkchocolade

Silver: Pralus  (France) - Ganache lait (**)

Ganaches of truffels met een coating of vulling van gemengde donkere/melk/witte chocolade

Gold: Joel Vilcoq Chocolatier  (France) - Ganache bissap

Silver: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - chocolat au miel et pollen

Silver: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - chocolat au poivre frais du Vietnam

Silver: Colomb Béréni Création C.B.C.  (France) - chocolat passion/framboise

Silver: Jacques Bockel chocolatier créateur  (France) - On dirait le sud

Bronze: Jacques Bockel chocolatier créateur  (France) - Combava


Pralines op basis van noten

Gold: Joel Vilcoq Chocolatier  (France) - Praliné pistache

Silver: Delaveaux Chocolatier  (France) - Praliné noisette (**)

Silver: Les Carrés Victoire  (France) - Praliné eclat de caramel noir

Silver: Pralus  (France) - Gijanduja (**)

Bronze: Chapon  (France) - Canela (**)

Pralines op basis van noten met melkchocolade

Silver: Jacques Bockel chocolatier créateur  (France) - Croustille

Silver: Patrick Gelencser Chocolatier  (France) - Valencia praliné chocolat au lait

Silver: Pralus  (France) - Praliné lait (**)

Silver: zChocolat  (France) - Z lait

Bronze: zChocolat  (France) - Barre Z lait

Nut based pralines with white chocolate

Bronze: zChocolat  (France) - Z blanc

Overige - fruit/suiker/boter/crème

Met melkchocolade omhulde manon/boter/crème

Bronze: Pralus  (France) - Nougatine lait (**)


Donkere chocoladepasta (geen melkpoeder)

Gold: Pralus  (France) - Creme de noisettes pot 250gr

(*)  Declared chocolate maker for private label bars.

(**) Winner has declared the product is made with their own bean-to-bar chocolate or couverture.