
European Bean-to-bar Competition 2018 – Grand Jury Finalists

The International Chocolate Awards is pleased to announce the Grand Jury Finalists of the 2018 European Bean-to-bar Competition, which was judged in Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 10 – June 11, 2018 at the Hilton Amsterdam.

The judging panel included regular European judges, along with pastry chefs, restaurateurs, journalists and other specialists from the local area and members of our international Grand Jury panel.

The Grand Jury Finalists are the entries that made it through to the final Grand Jury round, following an initial technical Selection round and two days of Main round judging. The Finalists are the nominations from which the Grand Jury select the prize winners, through private voting. The Grand Jury follow strict rules, which you can read here (PDF).

While listing as a Grand Jury Finalist is an achievement in itself, it does not necessarily indicate that the entry will receive a prize.

View details of our sponsors and partners here.

The 2018 European Bar Grand Jury Finalists are:

(In alphabetical order within each category)

Pure/origine repen

Pure/origine donkere chocoladerepen

Alessandro Palozzo (Italy) - Madagascar 70%
Alessandro Palozzo (Italy) - Peru 70%
Chapon (France) - Tablette Bolivie
Chapon (France) - tablette Perou gran nativo
Chocolat Beussent Lachelle (France) - Origine Equateur 78%
Chocolaterie Morin (France) - Honduras 70%
Chocolaterie Morin (France) - Nicaragua Rugoso 70%
Chocolaterie Morin (France) - Pérou Chanchamayo 63%
Chocolaterie Morin (France) - Pérou Cusco 70%
Chocolaterie Morin (France) - Pérou José 70%
Chocolaterie Morin (France) - Venezuela Carenero 70%
Chocolaterie Morin (France) - Venezuela Puerto Cabello 70%
Deremiens Chocolate Group (Belgium) - Colombia - Cordoba 70%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Barba 70%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Chuno 70% - Double Turned
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Chuno 70% Triple Turned
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Indio Rojo 70%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Johe 70%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - La Dalia 60%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - La Dalia 70%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Medagla 70%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Nicaliso
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - O'Payo 68%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Rugoso 70%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Rugoso 70% Bad Fermentation
Holy Cacao Chocolate (Israel) - 70% Cacao Blend
Holy Cacao Chocolate (Israel) - 70% Ecuador
Holy Cacao Chocolate (Israel) - 70% Marañon
Idilio Origins (Switzerland) - Idilio, 1er Cru Barlovento
Idilio Origins (Switzerland) - Idilio, Caranero Urrutia Superior, No 4
Idilio Origins (Switzerland) - Idilio, Chuao, No 14
Idilio Origins (Switzerland) - Idilio, Porcelana Criollo Puro No 1
Idilio Origins (Switzerland) - Idilio, Seleccion Cata Ocumare, No 3
Idilio Origins (Switzerland) - Idilio, Trinchera, No 16
Michel Cluizel (France) - Dark chocolate (69% of cocoa minimum) from El Jardin's Plantation in Colombia
Michel Cluizel (France) - Organic dark chocolate (66% cocoa minimum) from Mokaya's Plantation in Mexico.
Mirzam (United Arab Emirates) - 72% Single Dark Chocolate: Tanzania
Pralus (France) - Tablette 100gr 75% Costa Rica
Pralus (France) - TABLETTE 100GR 75% NICARAGUA
Pralus (France) - Tablette 100gr 75% République Diminicaine
Pralus (France) - TABLETTE 100GR 75% VENEZUELA
Utopick Cacao (Spain) - Chivité 70
Zotter Schokolade (Austria) - Labooko 72% Peru Chuncho
Zotter Schokolade (Austria) - Labooko 75% 2016 Vintage, Dry Aged
Zotter Schokolade (Austria) - Labooko 75% Ecuador Seversal
Zotter Schokolade (Austria) - Labooko 75% Peru Huallaga Nativo

Micro-batch - Pure/origine donkere chocoladerepen

Ajala Chocolate (Czech Republic) - Madagascar | Bertil Åkesson 70%
Amazing Cacao (Russia) - Boca Anapate 62%
Ara Chocolat (France) - Antioquia 70%
Ara Chocolat (France) - Chuncho 70% - 4 days of fermentation
Ara Chocolat (France) - Maceo 70%
Ara Chocolat (France) - Tolita 72%
Ara Chocolat (France) - Tumbaga 72%
Bodrato Cioccolato (Italy) - dark chocolate bar Colombia 80%
Bodrato Cioccolato (Italy) - Dark Chocolate Bar Tanzania 78%
ChocoCard (Hungary) - Ambanja 69%
ChocoCard (Hungary) - Nica La Dalia 72%
Chocokoo (Estonia) - Chocokoo Costa Rica 70%
Chocokoo (Estonia) - Chocokoo Vietnam 80%
Chocolat Encuentro (France) - 70% Dominican Republic - öko Caribe
Chocolat Encuentro (France) - 70% Guatemala - Asochivite
Chocolat Encuentro (France) - 70% Haïti - PISA
Chocolat Encuentro (France) - 70% Madagascar - Akesson's Organic
Chocolatoa (Belgium) - India 70% Kerala GoGround
Duffy's (United Kingdom) - Guatemala Rio Dulce 70%
Duffy's (United Kingdom) - Guatemala Sweet River 80%
Duffy's (United Kingdom) - Honduras Indio Rojo 72%
Duffy's (United Kingdom) - Nicaragua Juno 70%
Duffy's (United Kingdom) - Nicaragua Nicaliso 72%
Duffy's (United Kingdom) - Venezuela Ocumare 72%
Fjåk Chocolate (Norway) - 68% dark India
Fjåk Chocolate (Norway) - 70% dark Madagascar
Foodgeek Chocolate (Denmark) - Dark Muscovado 70%
Garçoa Chocolate (Switzerland) - Garçoa Chulucanas 75%
Guido Castagna (Italy) - Nicaragua 24 mesi
Harrer Chocolat (Hungary) - Peru 72% Chililique
Harrer Chocolat (Hungary) - Peru 74% Gran Nativo Blanco
Kaitxo (Spain) - Palo Blanco 75%
Karuna Chocolate (Italy) - Pilopaso estate from the Solomon Islands 70%
Kevin Kugel Chocolatier (Germany) - Dominikanische Republik 70% Single Origin
Krak (Netherlands) - Krak - Madagascar, Ferme D'ottange 70%
Latitude Craft Chocolate (Uganda) - 70% Dark Semuliki Forest
Legast (Belgium) - Gran Nativo Blanco
Legast (Belgium) - Maleku
Legast (Belgium) - Santander
Martin Mayer Schokoladen (Austria) - Alto Beni - Bolivia
Martin Mayer Schokoladen (Austria) - El Cibao (Öko Caribe) - Dominican Republic
Martin Mayer Schokoladen (Austria) - Lachua - Guatemala
Martin Mayer Schokoladen (Austria) - Maya Mountain - Belize
Martin Mayer Schokoladen (Austria) - Tumaco - Kolumbien
Meybol Cacao (Germany) - Single Origin Chuncho Peru
Mirzam (United Arab Emirates) - 65% Single Origin Chocolate: India (Coconut Fermentation Batch)
Nadalina (Croatia) - ECUADOR 69%
Nadalina (Croatia) - Venezuela - Porcelana 80%
Nectar du Nouveau Monde (France) - Nectar du Nouveau Monde, TUMBES
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Madagascar 66%
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Nicaragua 73%
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Tanzania 70%
Pangea Chocolate (Spain) - Peru Chililique 71%
Patrick Gelencser Chocolatier (France) - "Accro" 65% Madagascar
Patrick Gelencser Chocolatier (France) - "Plaisir" 72% Honduras
Patrick Gelencser Chocolatier (France) - "Zen" 70% Vietnam
Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) - 70% Gran Chililique - Chulucanas, Piura, Peru
Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) - 72% Gran Palo Blanco - Chulucanas, Piura, Peru
Svenska Kakaobolaget (Sweden) - Tanzania 74%
Svenska Kakaobolaget (Sweden) - Ucayali 72%
Svenska Kakaobolaget (Sweden) - Öko-Caribe 70%
Zart Pralinen Chocolate Makers (Austria) - Cotabato 75%
Zoto (Belgium) - El Castillero 70%
Zoto (Belgium) - Rugoso 75%

Hoog % puur/origine donkere chocoladerepen (85% of meer)

Ara Chocolat (France) - Tolita 87%
ChocoCard (Hungary) - Ambanja 99%
ChocoCard (Hungary) - Nica La Dalia 100%
Chocolaterie Morin (France) - Pérou Chanchamayo 100%
Chocolat Madagascar (Madagascar) - Chocolat Madagascar 100% Cocoa
Coup De Chocolat (Belgium) - Jerome
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - La Dalia 85%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - La Dalia 100%
Holy Cacao Chocolate (Israel) - 100% Marañon
Kakau Worship (Greece) - Kakau Worship 90% Guatemala Collection
Svenska Kakaobolaget (Sweden) - Darkness 100%
Utopick Cacao (Spain) - Nugu 100%
Zart Pralinen Chocolate Makers (Austria) - La Dalia Tenor 100%
Åkesson's (United Kingdom) - Madagascar - Bejofo Estate - 100% Criollo Cocoa - Organic

Grof gemalen pure/origine donkere chocoladerepen

Ajala Chocolate (Czech Republic) - Rustic 70%
Antica Dolceria Bonajuto (Italy) - From Bean to Bar Bonajuto - Gran Nativo Blanco
Donna Elvira (Italy) - Cioccolato di Modica Fortunato n°4
Donna Elvira (Italy) - Zero Dosage Carmelo 1
Donna Elvira (Italy) - Zero Dosage Wild Soconusco

Pure/origine donkere chocoladerepen gemaakt met alternatieve natuurlijke suiker

20Chocolate (Slovenia) - Cuba 72%
20Chocolate (Slovenia) - NICARAGUA 72%
Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate (Italy) - Curarai Acriollado Amazonico Ecuador Fine Raw Chocolate 72½ Single Origin Archidona, Napo
Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate (Italy) - Nacional Blanco Acriollado Fine Raw Chocolate 72½ Single Region Piura, Perú
Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate (Italy) - Nacional Ecuador Fine Raw Chocolate 72½ Single Farm “El Pechichal–Gran Cacao” Guayas – Ecuador
Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate (Italy) - Trinitario Fine Raw Chocolate 72½ Kokoa Kamili Organic Cacao Single Origin Mbingu, Tanzania
Cococaravan (United Kingdom) - 70% Lachua
Kakau Worship (Greece) - Kakau Worship 70% Peru Collection

Pure/origine melk chocoladerepen

Chocolaterie Morin (France) - Equateur Esmeralda Lait 48%
Chocolaterie Morin (France) - Vietnam Thanh Long Lait 48%
Idilio Origins (Switzerland) - Idilio con Leche No 15
Pralus (France) - Tablette 100gr. 45% Melissa
Rosehill Estate Chocolates (Sweden) - Tobago Estate Chocolate Laura Pralus

Pure/origine melk chocoladerepen (50% of meer)

Amazing Cacao (Russia) - Dark Milk 80%, Marañon
ChocoCard (Hungary) - Nica La Dalia Milk 58%
Chocolat Madagascar (Madagascar) - Chocolat Madagascar Milk 65% Cocoa
Cédric De Taeye - Torréfacteur Chocolatier (Belgium) - Intense Milk Brésil (Bahia) - Scavina - 57%
Cédric De Taeye - Torréfacteur Chocolatier (Belgium) - Intense Milk Cuba (Baracoa) - Trinitario - 60%
Duffy's (United Kingdom) - Duffy's Honduras Mayan Red 61% Milk
Fjåk Chocolate (Norway) - 60% Dark Milk Madagascar
Foodgeek Chocolate (Denmark) - Dark Milk Chocolate 55%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Dark Milk 65%
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - O'Payo Milk 50% - Organic
Goodio (Finland) - ChocOat Original Blond
Hotel Chocolat (United Kingdom) - Nicaragua Chuno 76% Supermilk
Kevin Kugel Chocolatier (Germany) - Ecuador 50% Single Plantation
Michel Cluizel (France) - Milk chocolate (51% of cocoa minimum) from Riachuelo's Plantation in Brazil.
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Dark Milk of Tanzania
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Milk of Nicaragua
Svenska Kakaobolaget (Sweden) - Dark milk 55%
Zotter Schokolade (Austria) - Labooko 60% Nicaragua, Milk Chocolate
Åkesson's (United Kingdom) - Brazil - Fazendan Sempre Firme - 55% Dark Milk Chocolate

Micro-batch - Pure/origine melk chocoladerepen

Duffy's (United Kingdom) - Duffy's Oh Juno! 45% Milk
Kevin Kugel Chocolatier (Germany) - Dominikanische Republik 35% Single Origin
Kevin Kugel Chocolatier (Germany) - Mexiko 40% Single Origin
Lilla Chokladfabriken Borgå (Finland) - Madagascar 40%
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Milk of Madagascar

Pure/origine witte chocoladerepen

Chocolat Madagascar (Madagascar) - Chocolat Madagascar White Gold, 45% cocoa
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - White 40% - Organic
Lyra (Slovakia) - Trapiche
Åkesson's (United Kingdom) - Madagascar - Bejofo Estate - 43% Single Plantation White Chocolate - Organic

Gekarameliseerde pure/origine witte chocoladerepen

Hotel Chocolat (United Kingdom) - Organic Dominican Republic 42% Caramelised White

Repen met toegevoegde smaak

Donkere chocoladerepen met een infusie of aroma

Ajala Chocolate (Czech Republic) - Coconut Cream 55%
Amazing Cacao (Russia) - Dark Chocolate Glühwein
ChocoCard (Hungary) - Voatsiperifery 69%
Georgia Ramon (Germany) - Kardamom
Georgia Ramon (Germany) - Pfifferlinge
Goodio (Finland) - Café Ubuntu
H. H. Biehler (Germany) - Kolumbien 64% Kaffeeschokolade
Harrer Chocolat (Hungary) - Dark Raspberry 70%
Harrer Chocolat (Hungary) - Peru 72% with Charapita Chili
Kakau Worship (Greece) - Kakau Worship 75% Guatemala Collection Chili
Lilla Chokladfabriken Borgå (Finland) - Licorice 65%
Schokoladerie de Prie (Germany) - 70% mit Schwarzen Johannisbeeren
Schokoladerie de Prie (Germany) - 70% Panama/Kaffee
Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) - 71% Marañon with Maraba Coffee - Peru/Rwanda

Donkere chocoladerepen met insluitsels of stukjes

Ajala Chocolate (Czech Republic) - Oranges & Blossoms 70%
Casa Kakau (Bulgaria) - Casa Kakau Dark & Orange 70%
CauCawa (Austria) - 75% Tumaco mit Kakaonibs
Chocokoo (Estonia) - Dark Chocolate with Rye Bread
Edelmond (Germany) - Edelmond Rosa Beere & Orange 75 %
Fjåk Chocolate (Norway) - 70% Dark with Lingoberry & Reindeer Lichen
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - La Dalia 60% Nibs
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - Medagla Dried Soy
Kakau Worship (Greece) - Kakau Worship 55% Peru Collection Coconut
Kakau Worship (Greece) - Kakau Worship 62% Guatemala Collection Coffee
Mirzam (United Arab Emirates) - 62% Dark Chocolate: Halwa
Taucherli (Switzerland) - Taucherli Beantobar Colombia 77% Nibs
XOCO by Corina (Norway) - Gauk Spring
Åkesson's (United Kingdom) - Madagascar - Bejofo Estate - 75% Trinitario Cocoa & "Wild" Voatsiperifery Pepper - Organic
Åkesson's (United Kingdom) - Madagascar - Bejofo Estate - 75% Trinitario Cocoa & Black Pepper - Organic
Åkesson's (United Kingdom) - Madagascar - Bejofo Estate - 75% Trinitario Cocoa & Pink Pepper - Organic

Donkere chocoladerepen met een vulling

Millesime Chocolat (Belgium) - 2016 Nicaragua Nougatine Pistaches
Zart Pralinen Chocolate Makers (Austria) - Kissed by the Muse (Kalê & ZART)
Zotter Schokolade (Austria) - Hand-scooped Chocolate "Gourmet Journey to Peru" Passion Fruit, Lime, Sweet Potato, Maize

'Naked' filled dark chocolate bars (filling only, no coating)

Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate (Italy) - Gianduja Fine Dark Chocolate Single Origin Cacao Arriba Nacional Los Rios & Nocciole Piemonte I.G.P. 72½
Guido Castagna (Italy) - Gianduja-Fondente
Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) - Piedmont Gran Palo Gianduja

Melk chocoladerepen met een infusie of aroma

Cenu Cacao (United Kingdom) - Artisan Mocha Chocolate
Fjåk Chocolate (Norway) - 50% Milk Blueberry
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - O'Payo Milk Sansho Pepper
J.Cocoa (United Kingdom) - Coffee & Cacao - Milk Chocolate - Chuno cacao variety, Nicaragua
Lilla Chokladfabriken Borgå (Finland) - Smokey Brazil 45%
Lyra (Slovakia) - Coffee - Milk Chocolate
Utopick Cacao (Spain) - Gin Tonic

Melkchocoladerepen met insluitsels of stukjes

Chapon (France) - Tablette Fevory Lait/Noire
Edelmond (Germany) - Edelmond Mandel & Salz Milchschokolade
Feitoria do Cacao (Portugal) - Feitoria do Cacao Chocolate de Leite Colômbia 58% + Café da Colômbia
Feitoria do Cacao (Portugal) - Feitoria do Cacao Chocolate de Leite Nicarágua 57% + Nibs
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - O'Payo Milk Chunky Salty Liquorice
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - O'Payo Milk Nuts
Georgia Ramon (Germany) - Kaffee & Kakao-Nibs 55%
Kilian & Close (Germany) - Dominican Cocoa Nibs
Mirzam (United Arab Emirates) - 52% Dark Milk with Coconut
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Caramel + Milk
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Sea Salted Almonds + Milk
Slitti (Italy) - Tavoletta Caffè Latte
Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) - 60% Marañon Coconut Dark Milk with Union's House Blend Coffee and Pink Mountain Salt
Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) - 63% Gran Nativo Rum & Raisin - Chulucanas, Piura, Peru
Svenska Kakaobolaget (Sweden) - Lakrits

Melkchocoladerepen met een vulling

Millesime Chocolat (Belgium) - Madagascar 2017 Lacté Praliné
Zotter Schokolade (Austria) - Hand-scooped Chocolate Peanut Butter and Banana

Witte chocoladerepen met een infusie of aroma

Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - White Yuzu
Georgia Ramon (Germany) - Himbeere & Rose
Harrer Chocolat (Hungary) - Mango Maracuja
Kaitxo (Spain) - Pistatxo Karamelizado
Krak (Netherlands) - Krak - Hibiscus/Vanilla 40%
Mirzam (United Arab Emirates) - White Chocolate Aseeda
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Coffee + Milk
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Lakkrís + Sea Salt
Pralus (France) - Carré de Café Lait Tablette 50gr
Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) - 39% Yirgacheffe Coffee with Redskin Peanut and Madagascan Vanilla

Witte chocoladerepen met insluitsels of stukjes

Amazing Cacao (Russia) - White chocolate with green tea Teguanyin and cacao nibs
Aruntam - Sensory Chocolate (Italy) - Fine Raw White Veg Cacao Single Farm Ecuador & Mandolat di Toritto 72½
Edelmond (Germany) - Edelmond Joghurt Erdbeer weiße Schokolade
Edelmond (Germany) - Edelmond Weiße Pistazien Schokolade
Fjåk Chocolate (Norway) - Caramelised White & Norwegian Gingerbread
Fjåk Chocolate (Norway) - White & Lingonberry
Friis-Holm Chokolade (Denmark) - White Nibs - Organic
Harrer Chocolat (Hungary) - Venezuela white chocolate with nibs
OCTOchocolate (United Kingdom) - Artisan White Bar with Pistachios and Salt
Omnom Chocolate (Iceland) - Black n' Burnt Barley
Solkiki Chocolatemaker (United Kingdom) - 35% Hazelnut Cream - White Gianduja with Piedmont Hazelnuts

Witte chocoladerepen met een vulling

Amazing Cacao (Russia) - White Chocolate Cappuccino