German/Austrian/Swiss Winners 2014

The International Chocolate Awards is pleased to continue to reward and celebrate local traditions and styles in fine chocolate by announcing the Winners of our first German, Austrian and Swiss competition for flavoured bars, filled chocolates and spreads. The competition was judged at, Hannover, Germany.


The judges were drawn from experts, food journalists, sommeliers and pastry chefs from Germany and members of our permanent international Grand Jury. You can read profiles on each of the 2014 German, Austrian and Swiss Grand Jurors here. The judges who attended this competition are published here.


The entry categories include flavoured chocolate bars, filled chocolates and spreads and are based on yearly feedback from our entrants and in consultation with the fine chocolate industry. All judging is anonymised, included at the Grand Jury final session, where Golds, Silver and Bronze prizes are awarded by private voting.

The Grand Jury were impressed by the overall standard of entries, inventive use of local ingredients and traditions and reinterpretation of classics.

A full list of the products that made it to the Grand Jury round will be published here shortly.

The Winners of the 2014 first German/Austrian/Swiss Competition are:

All  Gold, Silver and Bronze winners qualify for the World Final.

Bars – Dark chocolate bars flavoured with inclusions or pieces

SILVER: Beschle (Switzerland) – Ginger
SILVER: Beschle (Switzerland) – Rosemary & Citrus Thyme

Bars – Flavoured dark chocolate bars with a filling

GOLD: Schell Schokoladen (Germany) – Gefüllte Sauerkirsch Tafelpraline
SILVER: Clement (Germany) – Gefüllte Whiskyschokolade
SILVER: Zotter Schokoladen (Austria) – Zotter Espresso “so dark” – handgeschöpft

Bars – Milk chocolate bars flavoured with an infusion or flavouring

BRONZE: Timo A. Meyer (Germany) – Weinaffine Milchschokolade

Bars – Milk chocolate bars flavoured with inclusions or pieces

GOLD: Beschle (Switzerland) – Tonka & Orange
SILVER: Timo A. Meyer (Germany) – Mandelschokolade

Bars – Flavoured milk chocolate bars with a filling

GOLD: Clement (Germany) – Lütje Lage gefüllte Vollmilchschokolade

Bars – Flavoured white chocolate

GOLD: Beschle (Switzerland) – Lassi

Unflavoured dark nut pralines

BRONZE: DaJa Chocolate (Germany) – Mandelnougat Praline

Flavoured dark ganaches and truffles

GOLD: Xocolat (Austria) – Whisky Zigarre Marca Privada
SILVER: Pâtisserie Elysée (Germany) – Pâtisserie Elysée Whisky Praliné
BRONZE: Clement (Germany) – Liquiriza

Dark – nut based pralines and gianduja, enrobed whole nuts

BRONZE: Timo A. Meyer (Germany) – Sahnenougat mit Fleur de Sel
BRONZE: Clement (Germany) – Piemonter

Dark chocolate marzipan

BRONZE: Clement (Germany) – Erdbeer Rosmarin Praline
BRONZE: Sawade Berlin (Germany) – Walnuss auf Weinbrandedelmarzipan

Dark – Caramels

BRONZE: kettler Schokolade (Germany) – Meersalzkaramell / Sea salted caramel

Dark fruit pastes, jellies/gelée, enrobed whole fruits, liquid centres with alcohol, fondants

GOLD: Confiserie Speck (Switzerland) – Zuger Kirschstängeli

Milk – Ganaches and truffles

GOLD: Schell Schokoladen (Germany) – Barrique – Lemberger Trüffel
SILVER: Pott au Chocolat (Germany) – ZitronenMelisse – Lemon Myrtle

White – flavoured filled chocolates

GOLD: DaJa Chocolate (Germany) – Caipirinha Praline
BRONZE: Pralinenatelier (Germany) – Erdbeer Basilikum Praline

Ganaches and truffles with using mixed dark/milk/white for coating and fillings

GOLD: Pralinenatelier (Germany) – Kürbiskern Nougat Praline
BRONZE: Confiserie Speck (Switzerland) – Swisskytruffes
BRONZE: kettler Schokolade (Germany) – Passionfruchtkaramell / Passionfruit Caramel

Milk – Caramels

GOLD: Clement (Germany) – Maracuja Caramell Truffes

Milk – Fruit pastes, jellies/gelée, enrobed whole fruits, liquid centres with alcohol, fondants

SILVER: Clement (Germany) – Limoncello Truffes
BRONZE: Clement (Germany) – Amazona

Note: only judged categories with winners are listed.